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Gwent Hills & Vales
Methodist Circuit

We are a friendly, welcoming fellowship of Christians. The main worship service takes place each Sunday morning at 11am. Coffee and biscuits are served after the service.

During the week there are morning and evening meetings. Ladies Fellowship is held on Mondays at 6.45pm and in 2009 celebrated its 90th anniversary. The format varies: guest speakers talk on a wide range of community and social issues and faith subjects; there are social evenings too. Ladies attending come from other churches as well as our own and we also welcome those with no particular affiliation.

The choir meet on Wednesday at 6.15pm and members are drawn from the other Methodist churches in our area. They contribute to worship not only in our church but beyond. They have been involved in the past in presenting several gospel musical productions, extending their community outreach through their music.

Coffee mornings are held every Thursday morning from 10.30am -12 noon. Alongside coffee, tea, hot chocolate and biscuits, often soup, toast and cakes are also offered.

Bible study is held weekly on Thursday evenings at 7.15pm. It is led by our own lay preacher and study sessions have covered topics from both Old and New Testament scriptures.

The building, particularly our recently developed lower hall, is also used by a range of community organisations. We are committed to serving our local community, reaching out to all ages, as we move further into the 21st century. We invite you to join us.

MIssion and Outreach

A perspective of the church's life and mission by Sue Radford:

"We have always tried to provide a warm caring fellowship in our church and we have tried in various ways to ensure that there is outreach to the local community and the wider world.

On Monday evenings our Women's Fellowship has welcomed speakers from many different organisations both secular and church based. Through this we have learned much about important and vital work both in Wales and throughout our world. We have supported through prayer and financial contributions many charitable organisations who carry out this valuable work, especially people who annually visit Zimbabwe and Uganda. Once a month we take a service in Millbrook Residential Home and we have come to know the staff and residents and we hope this contact has served as a Christian witness.

We regularly contribute to the Food Bank.

Our Coffee Morning provides a social and relaxing atmosphere, and we hope, that as it has already proved to be, a form of outreach.

Our hall is used by outside organisations who have appreciated the facilities we offer.

Our pastoral visitors try to ensure that the needs and concerns of our members are helped by visits, phone calls, flowers, letters and cards, and this is extended to people who do not attend our church."

Get In Touch

Gwent Hills and Vales Circuit Office
c/o Castle Street Methodist Church
Castle Street

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1140255